How to Delete Old Twitter Tweets
Twitter is a great social network that can help you promote your services, gain more traffic to your website. But, for any reasons, you want to delete your old Twitter Tweets, yes, you can delete them one by one. What about if you have hundreds or thousands tweets. It would be a tedious job if you have to delete all those tweets manually.
Luckily, there is an online service that helps you to delete all your old Tweets for free.
Before you delete any of your Tweets, it is recommended that you backup all your Tweets. You can login into your account , scroll down, and click on “Request your archive” to request an archive of all your Tweets.
Twitter will email you a link to download your archive of tweets
Now, you can use Tweetdelete to delete your old tweets. This service is free and it can delete all your tweets at once (up to 3,200 tweets). It also allows you to set a time when to delete your tweets on a regular basic. For example, you can choose to delete all tweets that is older than 1 year old. All you have to do is to signup and give it a permission to access to your account. You can revoke this access anytime (in your Twitter account) after you delete all your old tweets if you want to.
If you have more than 3,200 tweets, you can try to run this many times until you delete them all.
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